

Library forms an integral part of any educational institution and the college provides one with a vast collection of books. The books in the library do not deal only with the curriculum and subject of syllabus but also with the subjects of mental growth of students as well and hence widen the horizon. Various magazines, journals and dailies are being subscribed. A “Book Bank” is being run since 1977 to cater to the need of poor, deserving and brilliant students. Beneficiaries from the project are carefully selected by a committee appointed by the Principal.

Library Rules:-

    1. The students will be responsible for the custody of Identity card. Loss of Identity card should be immediately reported to the librarian. In case Identity card is lost, a duplicate may be issued on payment of 50/-
    2. The students may take books for 14 days. They have to return them on 14th day or the next day if the 14th is holiday. A fine of 2/-per day per volume will be charged for all books overdue.
    3. The books of the following description shall not be issued:
      • Reference Books
      • Current issues of Periodicals
      • Other books specially reserved
    4. The books borrowed from the Library must not be transferred to other persons.
    5. Any persons who loses books or defaces a book shall be liable to pay double the cost. In case of it being one of the series; the cost of replacement of the whole set of series will have to be paid. Reference books should after consultation be placed back at their proper places.
    6. Silence and order must be maintained in the Library. Students are required to be courteous to the Library Staff. The case of infringement of the rules shall be dealt with seriously.
    7. A book on return may be renewed further for a period of 2 days again provided the same is not needed by anyone else.
    8. The borrower’s card is not transferable and should be preserved. In case it is lost, the borrower will be held responsible for the books issued on the card.
    9. Attendance of two periods in a week in the Reading Room is Compulsory for the students.
    10. Any case not covered by the above rules will be decided by the In charge of the Library. She may enforce new rules or amend the existing ones in consultation with Library Committee.

BLM College 2018 | Designed By SEVEN SLIDERS